Interoceptive Awareness is a three channel animation series that follows a digital body on a spiritual journey to find her lost sensory self as she grapples with the evanescent nature of physical and sensory awareness. A pink translucent entity created through visualizing sensations dances with a digital replica of my physical form. Never fully aligned nor apart, both bodies are offset to a motion capture performance, continually searching, repelling, and embracing. Audio by Sal Moreno.
This project was created in preparation for my BFA show. Inspired by epigenetics, I believe personal, ancestral, and collective memories become stored in different parts of our bodies. The digital avatar was created through orthographic photos of myself combined with a manipulated 3D scan of my face. The abstract sensory body was created through orthographic life size drawings that reflected what parts of my body felt like. In the final animation, I offset both characters to a motion capture performance recorded with a ROKOKO suit. It was an attempt to explore the complex duality of the digital and physical, body and soul, an individual and her ancestors.
Special thanks to Sal Moreno for collaborating on the audio, Jonas Sun and Hugo Ivan Juarez for installation support, and my professors Anneli Goeller and Marlena Novak for guiding me through my thoughts.
Special thanks to Sal Moreno for collaborating on the audio, Jonas Sun and Hugo Ivan Juarez for installation support, and my professors Anneli Goeller and Marlena Novak for guiding me through my thoughts.